From the course: AI-Powered Presentations: Crafting Compelling PowerPoints with ChatGPT and Copilot

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Tips for responsible AI usage

Tips for responsible AI usage

- [Instructor] While using AI tools can be a huge time saver, it carries with it some important ethical and privacy considerations. After watching this video, you'll understand what these considerations are and make an informed decision about how to proceed. Consideration number one: data privacy and security. Most of the large AI tools out there are not closed-off systems. That means both the data that is input into it, as well as the output that it produces, become a part of its training data. This also means that if you type something into ChatGPT or upload an image into Copilot, that text and image are now a part of the AI tool's data and can be used by anyone else using those tools. So make sure you never input anything that includes sensitive, confidential, or personal information. Anything that you wouldn't want a stranger to be able to see should be off limits. You may also want to check in with your organization to see if it allows you to use web-based AI tools in case they…
