From the course: Align Sales Operations with Business Strategy
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Conduct effective market research
From the course: Align Sales Operations with Business Strategy
Conduct effective market research
Imagine planning a trip around the world. Would you hop on a boat or a plane without knowing the best routes, the current weather, or where you'll stay when you arrive? Probably not. Of course, you'd research the best ways to navigate your journey, the best routes, and the optimal travel times. Effective market research works the same way. The better you plan, the better you'll execute your go to market plan and enjoy the journey. In this lesson, you'll be able to see how to conduct comprehensive market research to gather valuable insights that will inform and enhance your sales strategies. First, let's consider the sources you can use to perform the research. There are many market research options out there. Some of them are listed in our resource file. You will want to analyze the market data you've uncovered to identify trends, opportunities and potential challenges. A thorough analysis will lead you to data-driven conclusions. For example, if you're trying to identify your target…
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