From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course is designed for software developers who want to learn how to build Android apps using Android Studio, the free integrated development environment from Google. This course focuses on building Android apps with Kotlin, the newer programming language from JetBrains, the same company that created IntelliJ IDEA, on which Android Studio is based. If you're brand new to Android development, what do you need to know first? Well, to build the apps themselves, you'll need to have some mastery of the Kotlin programming language, and so you can watch the Kotlin Essential Training course or you can dive right into this course, because you won't be doing a lot of programming in it. The focus is on the tool, not on building complete apps, but in order to build those apps, go to that beginning course, and if you have any questions about the code you see, most likely you'll find answers there as well. There are many other courses in the library that will teach you more about using Kotlin, specifically in the context of Android, but I'll talk about those at the end of the course. Android Studio is based on another IDE called IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. This is a free IDE from JetBrains, and just like Android Studio, it supports code editing, refactoring, debugging, and so on. In fact, almost all the coding tools are exactly the same between the two products. What's different in Android Studio are the tools that are specifically for Android development. To learn more about the details of working with IntelliJ IDEA, you can watch this essential training course. So again, the more you know about IntelliJ IDEA and the more you know about Kotlin, the more effective you'll be as an Android app developer, but this course is designed to help you get started from scratch, just learning how to use the development tool.
