From the course: Assessing and Improving Strategic Plans

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Adjusting to technology changes

Adjusting to technology changes

- New technologies can disrupt entire industries whether they're new competitor products, new vendor capabilities, or new technologies that can improve your product, they can mean significant changes for your strategic plan. Stay involved in industry groups. Monitor new technologies. Make technology assessment part of your competitive intelligence tracking. Technology has had a huge impact on my business. I run a leadership training firm. Traditionally, we would go to our client location, teach our course and go home. In the last 10 years, I've seen massive technology shifts in the learning and development space. Most of our clients had moved on to a formal learning management system to track the curriculum and how many people are participating in their courses. There are new webinar platforms available. Those enable us to deliver our content remotely. There's new video-based training like the one you're watching. We've taken full advantage of getting our content out that way. Video…
