From the course: Assessing and Improving Strategic Plans
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Not linking strategy to execution
From the course: Assessing and Improving Strategic Plans
Not linking strategy to execution
- A big mistake I've seen a lot of organizations make is not tying their strategy to execution. Strategy without execution is hallucination. Your teams need you to tie the strategy to their daily activities. They need to understand how their actions contribute to the broader strategy. If you don't go through the exercise of breaking your strategy and initiatives down into projects, and those projects into executable tasks, there's going to be a gap in doing what needs to be done. Ensure every strategic initiative has specific projects and tasks tied to how it's going to get completed. For tips on tying strategy to activities, watch my course on Creating a Culture of Strategy Execution. Once startup I've worked with and invested in is doing a great job of tying their strategy to execution. They sell software that helps research studies in big medical centers. Their strategy is to get into these large medical research centers, and have their software be foundational to the research…
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