From the course: Azure DevOps for Beginners

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Configure Slack channel to work with DevOps

Configure Slack channel to work with DevOps - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure DevOps for Beginners

Configure Slack channel to work with DevOps

- [Instructor] Now I have the application installed, I want to start configuring it to work with my DevOps project. You can see that there's some items listed here. Use /azrepos signin to sign in my account. So let's do that. Press that, press enter. And it tells me I'm already signed into Azure Repos with my instructor account. So that looks good. So now what can I do? I'll open help by pressing the slash key, then type azrepos. I can click on this to get an idea of what I can do. This says I need to subscribe to a repository URL. So I switch over to the DevOps portal, open my repo, grab this URL, and click here. Slack enters the beginning part of the command azrepos. And then I'll say subscribe. Paste in my URL. Now I see in Slack this message that I've been added to a subscription for a pull request and for a notification. And that'll be for my repository simple repo. That means if a pull request is created, I should see a notification pop in this channel.
