From the course: Azure for DevOps: Application Infrastructure

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Azure Policies

Azure Policies

- [Presenter] Azure policy aids us in governing resources in our environments. Let's say your organization requires items to be provisioned in Western Europe for compliance. How do we go about enforcing this? If we only have half a dozen items, we can manually check and determine whether these are compliant, but once we have thousands of resources, it's no longer possible to do this manually. We need to automate compliance for our resources. This is where Azure policy can aid us. Azure policies can apply from resource groups, to subscriptions, to even management groups, which can contain multiple subscriptions. Any resources under these scopes will automatically have the policies assigned to them. Keep in mind, it is common to have policies at multiple levels. If we refer to our previous example, we could have a policy at a management group level for resources to be provisioned in Western Europe. However, let's say the…
