From the course: Azure for DevOps: Application Infrastructure

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Components of a strategy

Components of a strategy

- [Instructor] We've discussed the impact of drift and how it's inevitable as your footprint grows in the cloud. Our goal is to be able to deploy to various environments consistently, whether that be development, QA, staging, or production. Now let's see how we can address these issues by defining a strategy to mitigate them. There are two types of drift that impact our infrastructure: one is purposeful, where our team may decide we need new services. So for instance, we may deploy an additional instance of a web app to meet demand for that particular region. The other one would be unplanned, like a developer exposing a port during development. But regardless of the type, there are three things you need to do to avoid drift as you expand. The first thing we should do is automate resource provisioning so we can guarantee the output. As part of this process, we want to minimize ad-hoc changes. This means we need to…
