From the course: Azure for DevOps: Application Infrastructure
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Modularization and reuse in templates - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Azure for DevOps: Application Infrastructure
Modularization and reuse in templates
- [Instructor] As our code base grows, it's natural to want to reuse components and minimize errors. A key design principle and software development is to create modularized code, so it makes sense that we would want to do the same for our IaC solutions as well. Let's discuss the options we have for our tools. Terraform provides us with modules which can be reused as part of the configurations we create. ARM templates include nested and linked templates. If we remember, ARM templates are JSON based. Let's go through the elements. The structure of a template file begins by specifying the schema, which targets a resource group or a subscription deployment. Content version is required and specifies the template version. API version is useful when deploying templates to multiple environments. This allows the resource provider to ensure resources have the correct APIs. Parameters and variables are similar to any language.…
Infrastructure as code technologies4m 40s
IaC vs. CM tools1m 19s
Modularization and reuse in templates3m 8s
Define Terraform file4m 52s
Deploy resources via Terraform2m 25s
Scanning IaC for security1m 8s
Securing secrets in templates1m 9s
Demo for security3m 8s