From the course: Azure for DevOps: Designing a Strategy
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Define a performance testing strategy - Azure Tutorial
From the course: Azure for DevOps: Designing a Strategy
Define a performance testing strategy
- [Instructor] Performance tests. What are some of the issues we run into when we're performing tests on performance? Poorly written code can lead to a host of web application issues, introducing inefficient algorithms, memory leaks, and application deadlocks. Old versions of software or integrated legacy systems can also drag performance down. Make sure your teams are using all the development tools and coding best practices. An un-optimized database can destroy a production application. Missing indexes slow down the performance of SQL queries causing there to be a drag on the entire system. Be sure to check for any inefficient queries. Developing a plan to manage and monitor data as it grows is indispensable to your web performance success. Your team will need to research and determine the appropriate storage for your data needs, from databases to caches, to the more sophisticated layered storage solutions. Traffic spikes. We generally think of increased traffic as a good thing…