From the course: Azure for DevOps: Designing a Strategy

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Review agile development practices

Review agile development practices - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure for DevOps: Designing a Strategy

Review agile development practices

- [Instructor] Agile development practices. In 2001, the Agile Manifesto was written. The manifesto outlined some key ideas. Development needs to favor individuals and interactions over processes and tools. It needs to favor working software over comprehensive documentation. It needs to favor customer collaboration over contract negotiations. And it needs to favor responding to change over following a plan. One of the key differences in iterative agile software development methods is that most of the testing is completed during the development phase. Unlike waterfall development, agile development requires consistent planning as teams start at new iterations. With each new iteration, the team is striving to improve in a variety of areas. They may be focused on faster delivery or higher quality. The important thing is the team is always trying to improve. Agile software development methods are based on releases and iterations. One release might consist of several iterations. Each…
