From the course: Azure Network Engineer Associate (AZ-700) Cert Prep: Design, Implement, and Manage Connectivity Services

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Create ExpressRoute gateway

Create ExpressRoute gateway

- [Instructor] The exam may test your knowledge of creating an expressroute gateway or an expressroute virtual network gateway to be more precise. So you want to be familiar with the process as well as the gateway SKUs that are available to you when you choose that expressroute type. In fact, there are seven gateway SKUs, although some of these are very similar with one minor exception. If we look at the standard high and ultra performance expressroute gateway SKUs, you'll notice they have a matching SKU that is the same in every way in terms of its capabilities with one exception, that paired SKU with the AZ extension supports availability zones, whereas standard high and ultra performance SKUs do not support availability zones. And there's a seventh SKU, the expressroute gateway scale option, which gives us some flexibility in scale unit commitments. And if we look at the performance results from Microsoft's testing, you'll see that those paired SKUs perform precisely the same. So…
