From the course: Azure Network Engineer Associate (AZ-700) Cert Prep: Design, Implement, and Manage Connectivity Services

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Diagnose VPN issues

Diagnose VPN issues

- [Instructor] AZ-700 may test your ability to diagnose site-to-site VPN connectivity issues. We all know that configurations in the field don't always work exactly as we plan on the first attempt. And the process is very similar to troubleshooting connectivity in traditional network and site-to-site VPN scenarios. The difference here is the tooling will be platform-specific, so it's important to know your way around the tooling, where to find the logs, really just the resources that are available to you for troubleshooting. The greatest variance in the site-to-site scenario would be the third-party VPN appliances on-premises. Not going to be a major focus for this exam and I will tell you how you can get those logs into Azure and centralized so you can do all of your troubleshooting in one place from a logging perspective. So at a high level, a good process to follow would be to check the type of Azure VPN gateway you've deployed. Make sure that the tunnel type and the authentication…
