From the course: B2B Sales Strategy: How to Effectively Engage Executives

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Defining win themes for B2B selling

Defining win themes for B2B selling

- There's a secret that you need to know, a secret so straightforward, yet sadly so underused. Chances are your competitors don't know it. I'm talking about win themes. Top performers understand win themes and how to use them to land 5X deals or contracts worth about five times their average deal size. And when it comes to meeting with senior leaders, applying win themes will guarantee a valuable exchange, leading to remarkable results. Simply stated, win themes are the intersection of your executive's priorities and your strengths. That intersection, or the top two to three areas of overlap, create a sweet spot of receptivity. The opposite of a win themes approach is sharing everything about your company and products and services, hoping the senior leader can pull out what's important to them. Once developed, win themes will differentiate you and give you a competitive advantage. You can use them for all your executive…
