From the course: BIM 360: Docs Essential Training

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Managing issues

Managing issues

- [Instructor] As I mentioned in an earlier video, issues are stored in the project forever and serve as a great record of things that happened throughout the project. Let's take a look at how you manage those issues. You may have noticed as we've been working in BIM 360 that there's actually an Issues tab, and to see all of the issues associated with the project all I need to do is click on that Issues tab. Now I have project admin rights so I see everybody's issues. If I were just a standard user in BIM 360 I would only see the ones that are assigned to me. But here I am on the Issues page and from this view I can organize and manage not only the issues themselves, but the information that I see about them. So you'll notice that there is a series of column headings and nearly every field in an issue is taken care of here. And if you don't see a field up here that you'd like to see, you can click the gear icon and add it in.…
