From the course: BIM 360: Docs Essential Training
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The issue process - BIM 360 Tutorial
From the course: BIM 360: Docs Essential Training
The issue process
- [Instructor] Now that you've seen how issues are created, let's take a look at what happens to the issue after that. You can see here that I'm logged in as someone else, I'm actually logged in as someone named Greg Rodriguez. Let's say Greg is the project manager and as he's reviewing one of the drawings, let's say the first floor plan, he's taking a look at the plan and he sees the cafe here and he has a concern that the equipment that needs to go into the cafe, maybe kitchen equipment, a refrigerator, stove, something like that, is too large to fit within this door opening. He's looking around the building and seeing that the largest door opening into that space is this five foot eight door. And he wants someone to figure out if that's in fact the case. Is the cafe equipment going to be able to fit through this door or do we need to make a larger opening for them? So what he's going to do is open the issues panel,…
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