From the course: BIM 360: Docs Essential Training
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The review process - BIM 360 Tutorial
From the course: BIM 360: Docs Essential Training
The review process
- [Instructor] Now that the review process has been initiated, let's walk through it and see what each reviewer sees. Currently, I'm logged in as Paula White, you can see Paula's image up here in the top right corner. And if you recall from the previous video, the review's been started or initiated and Paula is the first reviewer in line. She would have received an email with a link in it and when she clicks on that link, it's going to take her right to this view that you see on your screen. Now, to get to this view from anywhere in the project, I would open the Document Management screen and then click on the Reviews folder, let me toggle over and back again to show you what that initial look looks like. And then click the review here on the list. Now, there could be multiple reviews going on within a project and if the project has any amount of complexity, there probably will be. So that list is any active reviews or…
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