From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training (2021)

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Create and share a new package

Create and share a new package

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to complete our look at the publish shared workflow. So if you watch the previous video, then we established a link in Revvit from the point of view of the MEP team and we linked it to the shared architectural model. That shared architectural model was part of a package that was created by the architecture team and then they subsequently went in and made a change to the design, but they have not yet published that change. Therefore, what we're seeing here from the point of view of MEP still reflects the old design, but the architecture team has actually created a new space over in this area over here, but the MEP team is not yet seeing this. Now this is quite deliberate. This is exactly the intent of the package shared workflow. The idea is that each team can work in their own workspaces as a work in progress zone, where they can make changes, save those changes, and other…
