From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

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Exploring the Autodesk Construction Cloud web portal

Exploring the Autodesk Construction Cloud web portal

From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

Exploring the Autodesk Construction Cloud web portal

- [Instructor] If you're interested in BIM Collaborate Pro, then there's a pretty good chance that one of the main reasons is to access Revit Cloud Worksharing. Now, while that is one of the most important and powerful benefits of BIM Collaborate Pro, it's certainly not the only benefit. There are plenty of things that we can do with a license to BIM Collaborate Pro and with the broader Autodesk Construction Cloud directly within a web browser. Now, anyone who has access to the Autodesk Construction Cloud has access to at least some of its functionality, and these are called modules. So the basic module in the Autodesk Construction Cloud is the docs module, Autodesk Docs. And this is a file management module that allows you to store files in the cloud. And there are several other modules available as well. So with BIM Collaborate Pro you would get docs, you'll get something called insight, you'll get design collaboration and…
