From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training (2021)

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Link Civil 3D topography into Revit

Link Civil 3D topography into Revit

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to continue where we left off in the previous one. We had just created an export from Civil 3D for the topography of our project, and in this video, we're moving over to the Architecture team. I'm logged in as Deshi, we're in and looking at the Architecture team space in the Design Collaboration Module. So what we're going to do here is look at the package that was sent over by the civil engineering team, consume that package, and then bring that into Revit and create topography from it. I'm starting here with the timelines. Let me expand those, then let me click this little chevron here to expand them again. You could see all the different disciplines. And this hybrid icon over here tells me there are multiple nodes. I will click on that to zoom in. And the node here at the far right is an open circle indicating that this is a package that if not yet…
