From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Add details with Boolean

Add details with Boolean

- [Instructor] One handy modifier that we should cover is the Boolean modifier. Let me show you. If you're not already in object mode, go into object mode and let's go ahead and add a new 3D mesh. In this case, I'll go ahead and add a UV sphere, click on UV sphere, and I'm going to drop these segments down to say eight. And down here under rings, let's go to four. There we go. That looks pretty good. Go ahead and drop that down here. I'm going to move this somewhere back here. I don't want to move it on the X though, just kind of back here and let's scale it in just a tad. Finally, move it up. Now let's go ahead and Boolean. With my spaceship here, I'm going to left-click on it and go to add modifier and I'm going to go to generate Boolean. Let's open this up a little bit to get some real estate. Scroll down and you'll see I have a few options, but notably a little eyedropper right here. I'm going to click on it and…
