From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
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Rendering with Cycles - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
Rendering with Cycles
- [Instructor] Let's talk about rendering and rendering engines inside of Blender. If you come over to this little DSLR-looking kind of camera tab, it's actually called render settings. We'll talk about EV in the next video, but for now, what I'd like you to do is go ahead and left click on it and set it to cycles. If your screen doesn't update, you can always come up here and toggle this button at the far right. It says, viewport shading rendered. Display render preview. Now, right away you'll see an awesome rendering happening in your scene. There are a few things that we can do to speed this all up. The first is to go to edit preferences, system, and depending on your computer, you could turn on any one of these different options. I, for example, am on a Windows PC, and so I have access to this GeForce RTX 3090. I also have the AMD Ryzen, but I find that the graphics cards render a lot better than the CPU. So…
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How to organize your scenes in Blender10m 1s
Valuable online libraries for Blender2m 56s
Working with lights in Blender6m 57s
Rendering with Cycles6m 9s
What is EEVEE and Hydra?7m 29s
Color, compositing, and Kuwahara6m 39s
Challenge: Render your first animation4m 6s
Solution: Render your first animation7m 34s