From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Set your first keyframe in Blender

Set your first keyframe in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Set your first keyframe in Blender

- [Instructor] Now that you've gone ahead and made this awesome armature for your space fighter, let's go ahead and animate it. It's real simple. The first thing you want to do is to left-click on your armature and come into Pose Mode. From here, left-click on your master bone and let's save ourselves a little bit of a headache later on. On the right side of your Properties panel, little green running guy, scroll down to where it says Viewport Display and turn off names. There we go. Now, all I want you to do is to hit the I button on your keyboard. I for insert keyframe. You'll be greeted by a new menu. And from here, there's a lot of options, but the only thing you need to really worry about is Location, Rotation, and Scale. After all, you're only going to ever really move, or rotate, or scale. Later on, you might make custom properties and options for your rig, but not right now. We'll just keep it to…
