From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
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Why you should use Node Wrangler - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
Why you should use Node Wrangler
- [Instructor] Well, one tedious thing that you might discover is the ability to quickly preview nodes, drag them around, cut them, et cetera. Nodes are a really big thing in Blender. Whether you're using geometry nodes, material nodes, shady nodes, texture nodes, compositing nodes, nodes are a really big thing inside of Blender. So I think this is an appropriate time to introduce you to one of my favorite add-ons. Hold down your middle mouse button and drag to the left if you don't already see the file menu. Then go ahead and click on Edit, Preferences. Click on the Add-ons on the left, and search for Node Wrangler. By default, it might look like this, so you can open up this little caret and just click on this little checkbox. From here, you can click on Show Hotkey List, and there are a ton, a ton, a ton, a ton of hotkeys. Don't worry about memorizing all of them right now, but it's just really handy to just understand…
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Overview of shading and texturing1m 1s
Creating your first material in Blender6m 55s
Add details with advanced materials7m 47s
Why you should use Node Wrangler3m 59s
Setting up your objects for painting7m 23s
Painting a texture inside of Blender7m 57s
Challenge: Detail your starfighter1m 10s
Solution: Detail your starfighter5m 39s