From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Creating the door lock

Creating the door lock

- [Instructor] To begin on the lock, I think I'll move that cursor again, Shift S cursor to select it. And then I'll just come over here to view and move it up in the Z and just move it up like that, and maybe somewhere around in there. And once again, we can of course, move it once we have it created. But I'll press Shift A mesh, and cylinder, we don't need 32 again, let's put it at 24. And I'll type point one and point two, or the radius and the depth, and then let's move it out R Y nine, zero. And we'll go through a similar process here, let's take away the back face. There we go and I'll shrink it down a bit scaled in the X, and let's put it in place. Still a little big let's bring that down some. And it looks like it's just a tiny bit smaller than the handle. Or maybe they're the exact same size, I can't tell. But we'll get it kind of close. And then let's bring it down about like that. Okay, so now that…
