From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Rendering with Eevee

Rendering with Eevee

- [Instructor] Well, now that we've tried the Cycles render engine, let's now try the same render with the Eevee render engine. So what I'll do here in the render properties is I'll switch from Cycles to Eevee. Notice we lose all of our denoising sockets here in the render layers node. We don't need this denoise here at all anymore because it just isn't going to work. So I will hit X and delete that. I'll delete the viewer as well. Now we need to hook these backup because no matter what render engine we use, we have to be able to go to the composite here. So I'm going to go from image to image here. If we didn't hook that up, our render would just be black. There wouldn't be anything there. So let's go ahead and hook that. I will then join the areas here. And here we go. So now with all that change, let's just go up here to the render preview right here, click that and see how it looks. All right, here we go. It…
