From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization
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Rendering with Eevee
From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization
Rendering with Eevee
- [Instructor] Well, now that we've tried the Cycles render engine, let's now try the same render with the Eevee render engine. So what I'll do here in the render properties is I'll switch from Cycles to Eevee. Notice we lose all of our denoising sockets here in the render layers node. We don't need this denoise here at all anymore because it just isn't going to work. So I will hit X and delete that. I'll delete the viewer as well. Now we need to hook these backup because no matter what render engine we use, we have to be able to go to the composite here. So I'm going to go from image to image here. If we didn't hook that up, our render would just be black. There wouldn't be anything there. So let's go ahead and hook that. I will then join the areas here. And here we go. So now with all that change, let's just go up here to the render preview right here, click that and see how it looks. All right, here we go. It…
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Beginning the walls9m 15s
Creating the interior walls10m 16s
Tricks for aligning the walls13m 9s
Continuing with the walls10m 30s
Using the Boolean modifier11m 48s
Creating the openings for the doors9m 45s
Finishing the window openings12m 4s
Beginning the window frames10m 9s
Finishing the window frames10m 5s
Starting the office frames11m 13s
Finishing the office frames7m 43s
Creating the door frame7m 41s
Inserting the door frames8m 42s
Beginning the doors8m 53s
Creating the door handle10m 13s
Creating the door lock10m 17s
Placing doors and organizing the scene10m 56s
Creating the closet doors10m 25s
Finishing the closet doors9m 30s
Beginning the kitchen island11m
Modeling the cabinet handles10m 47s
Beginning the kitchen counter9m 15s
Adding the kitchen cabinets and drawers10m 3s
Creating the kitchen handles7m 5s
Fixing smoothing errors5m 17s
Organizing the scene4m 34s
Modeling the end tables11m 47s
Modeling the sofa12m 12s
Beginning the stools7m 53s
Continuing the stools7m 15s
Finishing the stools8m 22s
Modeling the first chair11m 33s
Continuing the chair9m 20s
More work on the chair10m 13s
Finishing the chair8m 32s
Beginning the table10m 28s
Finishing the table and rug11m 49s
Beginning the second chair9m 22s
Continuing the second chair10m 20s
Modeling the chair arms10m 44s
Creating the legs of the chair6m 51s
Working on the wheels of the chair9m 21s
Finishing the second chair13m 56s
Batch renaming multiple objects9m 37s
Beginning the third chair9m 51s
Creating the arm rests and back9m 1s
Modeling the back frame and legs8m 35s
Adjusting proportions of the chair7m 48s
Finishing the third chair7m 14s
Populating the offices10m 19s
Beginning the refrigerator9m 39s
Finishing the refrigerator9m 31s
Extruding along a path11m 51s
Finishing the faucet9m 51s
Beginning the coffee machine9m 47s
Finishing the coffee machine13m 34s
Creating the drop ceilings10m 26s
Modeling the kitchen hanging lights8m 37s
Creating the large hanging lights11m 12s
Modeling the air vents10m 31s
Placing the canister lights13m 6s
Modeling the conference room glass11m 40s
Adding the glass for the offices8m 31s
UV mapping the office desks11m 32s
UV mapping the stools12m 34s
UV mapping the conference room chairs10m 19s
Creating the UVs for the end tables9m 14s
Working on the chair and sofa10m 30s
Chair, lights, and drop ceiling9m 42s
Kitchen lights and canister lights9m 29s
UV mapping the kitchen8m 59s
Finishing the UV mapping7m 6s
Exporting to Substance Painter7m 40s
Importing in Substance Painter9m 39s
Exporting textures out of Substance Painter7m 31s
Finishing the end table and beginning the chair8m 49s
Texturing the chair7m 50s
Preparing the coffee machine for export9m 9s
Texturing the coffee machine11m 34s
Adding an image texture in substance painter9m 9s
Creating the vertex colors for hanging lights9m 26s
Creating and applying an emissive texture9m 40s
The direction of normals8m 41s
Using an opacity channel in Substance Painter8m 49s
Using an alpha channel in Blender6m 50s
Adjusting mask tolerances in Substance Painter8m 46s
Sampling colors in Substance Painter10m 36s
Exporting multiple objects as a single FBX9m 19s
Texturing the kitchen counter and appliances9m 38s
Exporting textures for multiple objects11m 46s
Applying textures to the kitchen objects6m 41s
Selection tricks when applying vertex colors8m 12s
Copy and paste layers in Substance Painter8m 26s
Using the Node Wrangler add-on in Blender4m 51s
Preparing the floors for texturing7m 58s
Texturing the floors6m 7s