From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API

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Getting an API key

Getting an API key

- [Instructor] Our application is going to be pretty simple. A web application that uses the PaLM 2 model with a modern interface library like React which does have a lot of pieces and there's a lot of connections that we're going to have to make. But let's go back to MakerSuite. And on the homepage, I'm going to look for this section right here called Create an API Key. Now, an API key is like a long password that lets you connect to Google Cloud services and use the LLM yourself. I'm going to create an API key for a new project. So you should do this yourself. And this is going to generate a key for me. And what you want to do is copy this key into your clipboard and then paste it somewhere securely because you're going to need this a little bit later. So I'm going to click on copy right here and I'm going to just paste it in a little text editor that I have. And now I'm going to close this so you can see that now I…
