From the course: Building a Trustworthy Reputation

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Nurture stakeholder relationships

Nurture stakeholder relationships

- Have you ever thought to yourself, I just don't have time to build relationships with everybody I work with? Well, if you have, you wouldn't be alone. The truth is most of us don't have time to invest in all of the relationships that benefit us at work. But the most important part of building a trustworthy reputation is prioritizing which relationships you have to invest in in order to ensure you have the reputation with the right people, and that starts by identifying who they are. Download the exercise file to do this right now. Let's start by identifying your most important stakeholders and putting them into two different categories. First, I want you to write down the names of your five people in your world of work who rely on you for their success. Then, I want you to write down five names of people in your world of work that you rely on for your success. One or two of them might be the same name, but for the…
