From the course: Building APIs with Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification
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Building API definitions from templates - REST Tutorial
From the course: Building APIs with Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification
Building API definitions from templates
- [Instructor] SwaggerHub's templates can give us a jumpstart on building API definitions. In the last lesson, we built a customer API the customer API definition to suit the needs of HPlusSport. So to get started, we're going to navigate One is the inventory item, and the other's the manufacturer. We're not going to use the manufacturer, and now we're going to customize the inventory item to actually be a customer schema. and then we're going to remove the ID property a customer number to the required field list, and then remove the release date. At this point, we can adjust the properties within this object, so we'll add the customer number, but remove this UUID format, and then We can leave the name property, but we'll switch the example over to an actual customer name, so we'll just go with John Smith there, and then we're going to switch and modify the example to a very simple phone number. Okay, and then at this point, we can remove the manufacture field. So we have a customer…
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Building APIs within SwaggerHub2m 39s
Getting started with SwaggerHub3m 49s
Building API definitions from templates5m 27s
Versioning APIs in SwaggerHub5m 10s
Importing API definitions3m 28s
Security schemes5m 16s
Domains5m 3s
Nesting schemas in domains7m 22s
Enforcing API standards2m 56s
Auto Mocking APIs5m 2s
Adding organization members3m 15s
Inviting individual collaborators1m 42s
Challenge: Publish the blog API58s
Solution: Publish the blog API4m 43s