From the course: Building APIs with Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification

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Reading the specification

Reading the specification

we're going to cover the most commonly There's going to be a lot of sections you may never use. So what we're going to do is take a few minutes That way when you're on your own after this course if you encounter and Edge case you know how to find the information you need. So on the OpenAPI Initiative's GetHub page you're going to find a repository, the OpenAPI specification repository that holds the spec. that we can take a look at to learn how to build API definitions. We'll take a look at version 3.0. as you scroll down the specification that we can then further define by specifying their nested fields. So here we see the seven or so sections and let's just navigate into the paths object the spec an we're looking at a paths object. is going to be the same every time. So for example, we see several examples And this is a path item object and that can change depending up the API, so it's not static. Something like get property because we're always going to use So if we drill down into…
