From the course: Building Your First iOS 17 App

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SwiftUI stacks

SwiftUI stacks

- [Instructor] Now we're going to start creating our tip calculator app. So you may notice on the left side of the editor, due to my font size, it's a little bit hard to read the code due to some wrapping issues in this area over here. So let's get a little bit more screen real estate. Remember that we can hide some of the views by clicking the buttons in the toolbar. So the top left button in the toolbar will hide the navigators. And then the top right button in the toolbar will hide the inspectors. I can also click and drag this center area so that I can resize how much space I allocate to my canvas versus my code editor. So what I'm going to do is hover over the right edge, to the right of that scroll bar, and then I'm going to click and drag to the right to resize my canvas just as big as I need it. That way I get a little bit more space for writing code. Now let's talk about the code. So inside of this block, I have…
