From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
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How to develop a road map for product delivery
From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
How to develop a road map for product delivery
- We've all probably taken a trip with a child who continues to ask are we there yet? Are we there yet? (chuckling) The reason the child keeps asking over and over again is because, well, he's bored, but also, he's unable to understand what progress has been made on the trip and why that progress is important. Again, to avoid the annoying questions while you focus on driving, you could show the child photos of the destination, give 'em a map, and talk about the benefits of going to this place at this time. A roadmap for a project does much the same thing. Instead of satisfying a child, we're catering to team members and stakeholders. As a PM, we're used to giving progress updates, but consider, if you haven't already, how a roadmap can improve this activity. A roadmap starts as a list of milestones. We may have been given some at the beginning of the project, and we'll, no doubt, create some of our own. We'll…
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