From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
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Identify, plan, and execute on business analysis activities
From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
Identify, plan, and execute on business analysis activities
- I love to travel and I'll tell you what, the best way for me to enjoy my vacation is for it to be well-planned. That way, I can focus on the experiences while I'm on the trip. Yes, there might be some romanticism to just walking out the door and seeing what happens but for a lot of us, with limited time and resources, we want to make it count. The same type of planning also applies to projects. Resources are always limited. Also, we want to be able to focus on the activities needed to fulfill the project's purpose, not deciding what that activity should be or when it should happen but I'm talking to a project manager here. Come on, let's cut to the chase. In order for a project to produce a solution that meets expectations, analysis activities have to be identified, understood and incorporated into the project schedule. As PMs, we're fairly familiar with the activities that we need to include to meet the project…
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