From the course: Business Law for Managers

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How to protect the company and yourself from liability

How to protect the company and yourself from liability

From the course: Business Law for Managers

How to protect the company and yourself from liability

- You just got a promotion. You're a manager now, one of the big wigs, which means you have people who report to you, a whole new set of responsibilities, and a heighten expectation from your company as a whole. Fun stuff. Your bosses are depending on you because you're one of the trusted few that can uphold the highest standards of excellence. Go you. Now, what does this mean legally? Well, a few things. As a manager, one of the primary duties is to protect the company by following the rules and standards of conduct determined by your superiors. Also known as business ethics. Business ethics are defined as a set standard of moral behavior determined by the company related to the conduct of the employees and the distribution of goods and services in the marketplace. This behavior also affects their stakeholders. A stakeholder can be the company's employees, the executive board, special interest groups, and society as a whole. As a manager, your behavior ultimately affects all of these…
