From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 2 Infrastructure Security for Cloud
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Protecting data at rest in the cloud - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial
From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 2 Infrastructure Security for Cloud
Protecting data at rest in the cloud
- [Instructor] Data privacy has become a major issue for organizations of all sizes. And so storing data in the cloud will often necessitate protection of that data at rest through encryption. And that might be required even for regulatory compliance. So to get started here in Amazon Web Services I'm going to type in S3, so we can open up the S3 management console. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. It is cloud based storage. So what we have to do is begin by creating a bucket in which we can install objects or files. So I'm going to choose the create bucket button in the upper right, And I'm going to call this bucket, YHZ 172. Now, when we create objects in the cloud, we should make sure that we are following organizational naming conventions. I'm going to place this bucket in a region US East, North Virginia. I can choose to copy settings from an existing bucket. Down below, it's set to block all public…
Common application attacks4m 20s
Identity and access management (IAM)5m 2s
Configuring IAM to support application security5m 25s
Protecting data at rest in the cloud5m 50s
Serverless and containerized applications5m 51s
Enabling HTTPS web application bindings4m 21s