From the course: Cert Prep: Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Expert (77-728)

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Create custom formats (number, time, and date)

Create custom formats (number, time, and date)

- [Instructor] The number formats in Excel work great for us most of the time, but sometimes we need to alter the built in number formats to suit specific needs. On the Excel 2016 MOS expert exam, you may be asked to revise a number format. This is a very basic concept where you may be asked to just add additional decimal places or to add or remove a comma from the formatting. You may also be asked to use the international currency and international date formats. In this video I'll review all of these options, focusing on the ones you may encounter on the exam. I have the 03_01 exercise file open, so let's go ahead and get started. We're going to focus on our profit and loss worksheet. Notice that none of the financial information for our six months of sales has been formatted, so let's go ahead and take care of that first. We're going to just use the US currency formatting. I'll select all of my data. On my home tab in my number group, I'm going to use the dropdown menu and access…
