From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019 and Office 365

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Troubleshoot formulas

Troubleshoot formulas

- [Instructor] In Excel we have several awesome tools we can use to troubleshoot formulas. After watching this video you'll know how to trace cell precedents and dependents so you can see which cells are dependent upon other cells and which cells depend upon your active cell. You'll also learn how to create a Watch Window, that way you can keep an eye on a cell or a range of cells, to watch for changes in those cells. We'll learn how to validate our formulas using error checking rules and the Evaluate Formulas tool. Let's jump right into our Troubleshoot workbook, and we will first take a look at a couple of errors we have in here. Look in cell G6. We're getting an error message that Excel doesn't understand what the value's supposed to be here. So we need to use our tools on Formulas, and in the Formula Auditing group. Well, what I like to do when I see an error is trace the precedents. When I click on that…
