From the course: Cert Prep: Revit for Architectural Design Professional

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Setting up a view for rendering

Setting up a view for rendering

- [Instructor] Another great feature of Revit is the ability to render effectively and quickly. You can get some really good photorealistic effects out of Revit when you render as well. We've got a new project for you to use to check out some rendering in Revit. It's called Rendering.rvt, and as usual, you can download it from the library to follow along with the video. Now, when you open it up, you'll find that it opens up in one of the 3D views in the project, called From Yard, and there's the view there on the screen. Now, what we're going to do, before we do any rendering, is we're going to right-click and duplicate the view with detailing, like so, and that's now From Yard Copy 1. Now, I'm going to rename that, so we'll go there, From Yard, and I'm going to do a From Yard closeup. So, let's just put From Yard, space, dash, space, and we'll say CLOSE UP, like that, and then do that. So, that's in the, obviously, From Yard…
