From the course: Change Management for Projects

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How to deal with shock

How to deal with shock

- In this video, we are taking a look at how to deal with someone who is in shock following the news that a change in the organization is going to have a direct effect on them. Watch how I deal with the person by communicating one-to-one and asking if they want to discuss any details. I also offer time to think about it as they understand that it's a lot to take in straight away. Hi, Sam. - Oh, hi. - You got a minute? - Yeah, sure. - Excellent. I'd like to have a quick chat with you about the new system we're introducing to reduce the amount of paper in the office. We want to try and go paperless. - What? This is the first I've heard of this. When did this happen? - Well, we have sent out some communications already about this, but well look, how about we have a chat about it now. You can get an idea of how this affects your role, maybe? - I have a full calendar today. That's just, this is a lot to take in on such short notice. I'm kind of struggling right now. - Okay, I appreciate…
