From the course: Change Management: Roadmap to Planning

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Align project and change management

Align project and change management

- Project management and change management, work hand in hand, to deliver value to the organization. Although the disciplines do have a common goal, they focus on different aspects, of the transformation. Project management is concerned with delivering on time, budget and scope. Change management, focuses on the people aspect of a transformation. When we combine the two together, we ensure that adequate attention is given to both aspects of a transformation. This can secure your longterm success. Here are three steps to help you align these disciplines. First, align the approach. When it comes to planning change management, the project approach that is the chosen way, to deliver a particular project, plays a huge role in defining the change effort. For example, if you are a part of a team, working on an agile transformation, your change activities will be much more rapid, and iterative. The more traditional waterfall…
