From the course: ChatGPT for Web Developers

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Build a chatbot

Build a chatbot

- [Instructor] We have created an API with Express. Now we want to create a client application in order to interact with the language models and we want to create a React application for that. For this task, we're going to ask ChatGPT for help. So what I've done is to copy and paste my code right into the chatbot. And based on the source code, ChatGPT was able to analyze the code and provide with a line by line explanation, starting with the libraries that we use in this project, then it was able to explain also the routes that we have defined. So this ask POST method that we used to send and receive messages from the language model. And also it was able to explain what we have inside this route by using this method which is createChatCompletion and how to define the models and also the list of messages that we pass along when we send the request to the language model. And so based on that, I've asked ChatGPT to create a…
