From the course: ChatGPT: Publishing GPTs on the GPT Store

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Going further with GPTs

Going further with GPTs

- And that's it, that's all you need to know to publish your own custom GPTs in the GPT Store. Now, one thing I didn't cover in this course is if you are in a team account or you're in an enterprise account, you can also publish GPTs under your team or under your enterprise, so that only people within your team or in your enterprise can see those GPTs. And this is a huge advantage to people who are working in organizations that are already using ChatGPT, because now each of your colleagues and each of your teammates can build custom GPTs and share them internally to solve problems that are unique to your situation, without that information leaking out into the wider world. And if you come up with a GPT internally in your team account or your enterprise account, and you realize this might have some use for people outside, you can create a GPT and publish it outside the walls as well. And you can keep an internal one…
