From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies

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Circular redesign

Circular redesign

- Perhaps the most exciting thing about the circular economy is the opportunity to redesign existing products to fit within these new ways of doing business. Now, I'm sure you know your business best or at least I hope you do. And from the different circular approaches that I've now walked you through, maybe one has jumped out as a strong contender for your business. Well, there's actually many different circular business approaches, and you'll probably need a combination of a few to get that right mix for your company and this is where designing for circularity comes in. Now, circular design is a key factor for implementing circular goals as the design of products determines their potential for reducing, reusing, remanufacturing or recycling materials. The best way to figure out what's right for your context is to analyze your current products and go through a redesign process to see what new closed loop ways you…
