From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies

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Closing the loops

Closing the loops

- You know, nature, it offers pretty good inspiration for waste-free design. Everything gets reused, it gets cycled round and around, helping to create and sustain life. So, what we're trying to do with the circular economy is to design goods that endlessly cycle through the economy, where the producer takes responsibility for the things they make. Did someone take responsibility for you? That way customers can easily return, reuse, or repair things, ensuring their value is continually increased rather than being lost. We talk about this as closing the loops, and in business it's about designing products so that they are not lost from the system as waste. Now, there are several different types of loops in the circular economy model, but there are two big ones. One is the idea that some materials can be easily absorbed back into nature. These are biological-based materials like this apple or unbleached paper, food waste,…
