From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies

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Eliminate waste

Eliminate waste

- I think we could probably all agree that waste, it's pretty annoying. You buy something and you immediately have all this packaging that you have to figure out what to do with. You store it in your house until you can hurl it in a bin and hope that it ends up somewhere where it's not causing a lot of damage. The main way that we humans have been getting rid of trash hasn't changed much in a very long time. We bury it in landfills or we dump it in open pits, burn it, which is never really good, and sometimes, if we're lucky, we recycle it. But even then, our current best efforts globally, it's like maximum 20% of the world's trash is actually really overly recycled. So we got a long way to go with waste. And really, it's a lost resource and very much a human created issue. So the big shift here is for businesses to see waste as a resource. And this really involves finding new ways to reuse byproducts and waste from the…
