From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies
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Recycle and upcycle
From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies
Recycle and upcycle
- I'm sure you've seen someone pop their coffee cup, perhaps even still with coffee in it, in the recycling bin or maybe a light globe, perhaps even some very unrecyclable batteries, a broken glass even. They put it in there and they hope that magically it will be turned into something new. But the truth is we don't have a magical recycling system where everything can easily be transformed into something new and this hope for a good solution to products that are not designed to be recycling is called wishcycling. The circular economy sees recycling as an option that's lower down on the levels because most of the recycling actually downcycles materials rather than retaining their value. Instead, you can plan to upcycle your products into higher value items by exploring the system you are selling into, and making sure there are collection and upcycling options in that market. The trick here is to ensure that this is…
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