From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies
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Turning circular limitations into opportunities
From the course: Circular Economy Business Strategies
Turning circular limitations into opportunities
- Not all products fit neatly into this circular economy business models that I've explained. And there are certainly some limitations to implementing a circular economy at scale, but many of these limitations are cultural, such as people not wanting to share items that other people have used or people's expectations around convenience and accessing single use items. There are limitations of current materials and the global market as a whole. There are even laws in some countries that restrict the use of used parts in new products. The thing about this is that these can all change and the best way to overcome limitations is through experimentation with the possibilities that are available to you and finding new solutions. This is a creative challenge and collaboration is key here. I sometimes see companies limiting their potential before they've even gotten started but with the right mindset, dedicated time and resources,…
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