From the course: CompTIA Network+ (N10-008) Cert Prep

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What's on the Network+ exam?

What's on the Network+ exam?

- I'm sure you are all wondering, what is on CompTIA's Network+ N10-008 exam? So there are a couple of changes that occurred from the last one to this exam. So they added new technologies to existing topics. So for example, we have 802.11ax, otherwise known as Wi-Fi 6. There's 5G, Cat7 and Cat8. (grunts) Nice. And also on the enterprise section we have data centers. That's a whole brand new topic as well as enterprise level cloud. Now, for those of you who may not be familiar with the Network+ exam, it's broken down into five domains, and I'm going to break each domain down for you and basically tell you how much weight each one carries. So please get your calculator out, and make sure this equals 100%. The first domain is networking fundamentals, and this carries 24% of the exam. Fundamentals is just what it is. Basics, network topologies and types, cabling, IP addressing, protocols and their ports and, of course, one of my favorites, subnetting. Then we have network implementations.…
