From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Cloud provider security controls

Cloud provider security controls

- [Instructor] As you implement security controls in the cloud, you'll have to make decisions about whether you would like to adopt cloud-native security controls, third-party solutions, or a combination of the two. Security controls offered by your cloud provider have the advantage of being designed specifically for that cloud provider's environment. They'll likely be easy to use, and tightly integrated with your cloud platform. That tight integration is however, also their disadvantage. Third-party security controls will still often integrate with cloud providers through their APIs, but they offer the benefit of working across multiple cloud platforms. If you're in a multi-cloud environment, you might prefer third-party controls to provider-specific controls, however, you should be aware that third-party controls are often more expensive than those offered by cloud providers. Resource policies are an important control that you should implement using the native capabilities of each…
