From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Isolating sensitive systems

Isolating sensitive systems

- [Instructor] We've already discussed how network segmentation can be a valuable security control. We can use isolation to segregate systems of different security levels into different zones of security, allowing us to reduce the risk that a compromise in a system at a lower security level will impact a system at a higher security level. This is a sound and respected management practice. Isolation can also be used at an extreme level for highly sensitive systems. A server containing particularly sensitive information can be placed in a security zone by itself with access into and out of that zone carefully managed. This complete physical isolation creates a lot of overhead, but it also is a very robust security control. Because there is no connection to other networks, this is also commonly called an air-gapped system. But the use of network segmentation does raise some practical questions. How can administrators work with the systems that are isolated without having to keep…
